Sometimes, there's no other choice for married couples in Virginia than to divorce. Besides taking care of their divorce, they may also have children together and wonder what to do. Understandably, divorce can bring changes for parents and their children. However, you...
Family Law
Protecting family relationships after divorce
Often, people who manage to maintain positive relationships with their ex-spouse and former in-laws following a divorce seem like an anomaly. Considering the immediate detrimental effects divorce can have on children, it would seem to be important to preserve all...
Helpful tips when divorcing someone with mental health disorders
Married couples in Virginia sometimes endure difficult situations. Sometimes, a divorce may be the only option when two adults can no longer work things out. While divorcing can feel challenging, this situation is often additionally stressful when your ex-spouse is...
Moving on after a gray divorce
Facing divorce after your 50s in Virginia creates challenges that can affect the way you cope and move on. Gray divorce, as this situation is known, continues to grow. Divorcees also contend with specific challenges, such as emotional, social and financial issues....
Protecting your business during divorce proceedings
Virginia law says that marital assets need to be divided equitably in a divorce. Therefore, if your business is considered to be a marital asset, you may lose some or all of the company that you built. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to prevent this...
When and how criminal records impact child custody
Family court judges have a legal obligation to make child custody decisions based on the best interests of the child. Under certain circumstances, a Virginia parent with a criminal history could face limitations on these rights. Violent crimes A history of one or more...
Creating a co-parenting plan in Virginia
Virginia residents might be tempted to go no-contact with their ex after a divorce. Parents don’t have that option though. They’re expected to communicate with their ex, regardless of how difficult it might be. There are ways to make co-parenting easier. Creating a...
Stay away from social media during a divorce
Every year, thousands of Virginia couples make the difficult decision to divorce. Divorce proceedings usually take months to complete, and that time period is generally extremely stressful for all involved. Make your divorce less stressful If you're going through a...
The fate of your art collection in a Virginia divorce
A good piece of art can bring you emotional satisfaction and pleasure. But, besides that, people also buy them for their great intrinsic value and tax advantages. As such, they are subject to equitable division upon divorce in Virginia. Art is an asset According to...
Four effective ways to help your children cope with divorce
Divorce is often the reality for some married couples in Virginia. While divorce is difficult enough, it often becomes more complicated with children in the picture. Fortunately, there are ways to make divorce easier for your children. Don't make children your...