Karen Calderon
Karen Calderon is the Paralegal to Jesse A. Baez. She has over 12 years cumulative Paralegal experience working previously for attorneys specializing in Civil Litigation, Insurance Defense, Immigration and now with Brooks & Baez she adds to her portfolio, complex Civil Litigation cases, Family and Criminal law. She has over 17 years of extensive office experience holding positions in the legal, medical and business fields dealing with a diversity of professionals and clients all whom have contributed greatly to her interpersonal skills to meet the needs of various clients and professionals.
Karen was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Her mother is from Ecuador and father is from Nicaragua. Her native language is Spanish; however, she is bilingual and is fluent in speaking and writing both the English and Spanish languages. Her educational background includes an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Paralegal Studies.
Outside of the office, Karen enjoys photography, hiking, music, participating in mud runs, and is an avid runner. She has participated in several 5 and 10 K races and in 2010 she completed the Virginia Beach Rock ‘n’ Roll half-marathon, but the highest priority for Karen is her volunteer service as a Jehovah’s Witness. Her faith and volunteer service has contributed to her personal and professional growth setting high standards when working in office and with clients.