When you place an elderly loved one in a Virginia nursing home, you expect them to be given plenty of attention and care. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen; some nursing home residents suffer from neglect. If your loved one experiences bedsores, nursing home neglect...

Personal Injury
The danger of misdiagnoses in the ER
Patients receiving an incorrect diagnosis in the emergency room is a widespread problem. Over seven million misdiagnoses occur in emergency rooms across the United States annually. According to a government report published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and...
The growing danger of distracted pedestrians
Pedestrians and automobiles can be a dangerous combination on Virginia roads. Drivers must always be aware of people running and walking near traffic. Unfortunately, a growing number of injuries and fatalities stem from distracted pedestrians. What is a distracted...
Teens and car crashes
Teenagers may be among the most dangerous drivers on the roads. The number of accidents involving teenagers ranks higher than other age demographics. Young drivers may need to exercise additional caution when driving to avoid involvement in a Virginia collision. Teen...
What to do if you’ve been harmed by a reckless driver
Being harmed by a reckless driver can be a traumatic and life-changing experience. In Virginia, reckless driving consists of irresponsible behavior behind the wheel that can put other people in danger. It includes actions such as speeding, tailgating, ignoring traffic...
How to report suspected abuse in a skilled nursing facility
Elder abuse worries anyone who has a loved one reliant on someone else for daily care. The vulnerability of seniors makes it vital for people to stay aware of what is happening around their friends or relative, so they can act if something seems suspicious. Everyone...
Who is most likely to abuse an elderly American?
It is an unfortunate fact that senior citizens regularly face mistreatment in Virginia and around the country. One reason why older Americans are so much more vulnerable to abuse is because they’re often struggling to remain financially and physically independent....
Common mistakes that can hurt a personal injury claim
Virginia residents who get into accidents that are not their fault may be left with injuries. In that situation, it’s logical to file a personal injury claim. Avoid making these common mistakes that can hurt your case. Not immediately seeking medical attention...
Signs of elder abuse and neglect
About 4 million older adults suffer from abuse or neglect. There are many unknown elder abuse cases for every reported one. Older adults that suffer from neglect or abuse tend to die sooner. A law in Virginia includes penalties for false neglect or abuse claims for...
Which are the main types of distracted driving in Virginia?
When a road accident occurs, it's often due to human error. And more often than not, that error is due to distracted driving. There are three main types of distracted driving: visual, manual and cognitive. Visual distractions These are distractions that take your eyes...