Nursing Home Neglect
Photo of Attorneys T. Noel Brooks and Jesse Baez walking outside.
Photo of T. Noel Brooks and Jesse Baez

Helping Clients Protect Their Loved Ones

The whole purpose of placing a loved one in a nursing home is to make sure that they are cared for. Unfortunately, our elders suffer from abuse more often than one might think. If your loved one is being neglected, there are options. Our team at Brooks & Baez is experienced in personal injury law, working with clients throughout  Richmond and Virginia at large who need help navigating the legal system.

Common Causes Of Nursing Home Neglect

There are a number of ways nursing home staff members can take advantage of older people. Common examples include assault in the form of physical abuse, prolonged deprivation of food or water and lack of appropriate care for medical problems.

If you suspect your loved one is suffering, it’s time to launch an investigation. More often than not, your loved one is not the only one suffering from an injury. These sorts of situations arise for all types of reasons. Perhaps the facility has a poorly trained staff. Maybe some workers have anger problems and a history of violence. At other times. there are not enough people to care for the residents. Regardless of the reason, it is something that must be stopped as soon as possible.

Stopping nursing home abuse is not as simple as having the offender fired or removed from your loved one’s care. It’s important that the facility be held liable. That is the purpose of bringing this type of lawsuit, to ensure it does not happen again and to make sure your loved one gets the compensation they deserve for their abuse, so they can heal and move forward.

Time Is Of The Essence; Call Today

A simple fall or bedsore could be the evidence you need to file a claim. If you suspect your family member is being abused, it is crucial that you speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. Our team of attorneys work together to fight for the best possible solution. To schedule a consultation, call our office in Richmond at 888-206-6705​ today. You can also fill out our contact form online. Se habla español.
